Accounting Assistant I/II - Limited Term up to 3 years

Job Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting applications
Job Closing Date: 
Thursday, October 31, 2024 - 5:00pm

Pay rate: $20.07 to $28.29 hourly or 
$41,745 to $58,843 annually 

To apply for this position: 

Submit a Town of Paradise application, Cover Letter, and Current Resume by mail or in person to: 

Town of Paradise
Attn: Accounting Assistant I/II
5555 Skyway
Paradise, CA 95969

Applications can also be emailed to:

Benefits: General Unit MOU

The information contained in this announcement is general in nature and does not constitute an expressed or implied contract. Employee benefits may vary with different employee bargaining units and are subject to change by mutual agreement.

Benefits provided by the Town of Paradise will be pursuant to the General Unit MOU for this position. Outlined below is a summary as at the time of recruitment.

PERS retirement plan (2% @ 60 for classic members, 2% @ 62 from new members).

Retiree Medical                          Active to EE contribution

Longevity                                     5% @ 10 yrs.
                                                        7.5% @ 15 yrs.
                                                        10% @ 20 yrs. (maximum of 20%)

Sick Leave                                    96 hrs./yr.

Vacation Leave                           0-4 yrs. = 80 hrs./yr.
                                                        5-9 yrs. = 120 hrs./yr.
                                                        10 yrs. & over = 200 hrs./yr.

Holidays                                        12 days/yr. & 28 hrs./yr. floating

Bereavement Leave                  Up to 3 days each leave

Medical Plans*                            PERS Medical Plan**
                                                        MetLife Dental
                                                        Superior Vision
*Employees pay a portion of premium for coverage.
**Deferred Compensation or Pay in Lieu of medical are options with proof of other coverage.

Life Insurance                             $100,000

Short-Term & Long-Term Disability Plan

Deferred Comp (457)               Available for EE Contribution

Gym Reimbursement             $120 per quarter

No Social Security Participation