Fire Department

CalFire and Paradise Fire Department Patches

Welcome to Paradise Fire & Rescue


We are an “All-Risk” department, meaning that we respond to all emergencies: fires, emergency medical services, hazardous materials, rescues, and public assists. Our mission to protect the community is a cooperative agreement with CAL FIRE. With headquarters in Oroville, Fire Chief Garrett Sjolund directs over 400 firefighters at all ranks and experience. The Town is located geographically within the Butte Unit’s Northern Division under the direction of Division Chief Jason Finney. Battalion Chief John Gaddie supervises the day-to-day operations of the Paradise Battalion and retains his office at Station 81. By contracting with CAL FIRE, the Town of Paradise is able to staff two fire stations with three-person engine companies, and one station with a two-person engine company. This allows for a rapid response to all coverage areas and facilitates being able to retain the town-wide Insurance Service Office rating of 2/2x.

In addition, to the Town’s resources, CAL FIRE maintains their own stations in Paradise and the neighboring community of Magalia. These resources are available to assist with the Town’s fire protection efforts, as necessary.

The Town of Paradise employs a Fire Marshal, Fire Prevention Inspectors, and an Administrative Assistant for the fire department. All ordinances and municipal codes related to hazard abatement and burning for the Town of Paradise remain in effect.

Residential growth has created a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) that requires greater preparedness than ever before on behalf of emergency staff and residents. The Town of Paradise is located in a defined “very high fire hazard severity zone” pursuant to the California Government Code § 51175 and the California Health and Safety Code § 13108.5. Because of this designation, prevention and preparedness are of utmost importance. Defensible space around all structures is vital to safety, and property owners are asked to do their part in keeping properties clear of overgrown vegetation and other fire hazards. A partnership between the Fire Prevention Bureau, the Professional Firefighters, and residents is essential if this foothill environment is to remain a safe and beautiful place to live.

Station 81

767 Birch Street
Telephone: (530) 872-6264  
Facsimile: (530) 877-5957
Recorded Burn Info: (530) 872-6264

Office Hours: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday


  • Purchase Burn Permits (cash or check only)
  • Report Hazard Concerns
  • Purchase Hydrant Flows (cash or check only)
  • Schedule Tours
  • Records Requests prior to October 2012

Station 82

5545 S. Libby

Records Request

176 Nelson Avenue, Oroville
(530) 538-7888
Mail/come in with date of incident and address. $20.00.