Measure V Citizen Oversight Committee

A citizen oversight committee, established by the same local law which proposed the sales tax (Ordinance No. 545), will review the spending of tax revenue.  The committee consists of a 9 member board of residents and business owners in the Town of Paradise.  The purpose of the committee is to provide independent recommendations and assist in monitoring and reporting of spending of tax monies. The committee will meet at least quarterly as well as during the Town's budget preparation with the Town Manager and Finance Director to ensure that the funds are appropriately allocated.

The Measure V Citizen Oversight Committee is established by ordinance to serve as an advisory board to the Paradise Town Council and hold quarterly meetings at Town Hall located at 5555 Skyway. See Paradise Municipal Code Sections 3.22.070 through 3.22.130 available on the Town’s website at

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Paradise Town Council of one position on the Town of Paradise Measure V Citizen Oversight Committee as vacant, created by  an untimely resignation of a Board Member. Any registered voter of the Town of Paradise is eligible to apply and may obtain an application at the Town Hall located at 5555 Skyway, Paradise, California, Monday-Thursday  from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm or from the Town’s internet website at  The Town Clerk must receive the application by 5 pm on April 7, 2025. Interviews will be on April 23, 2025 with appointment to the Committee scheduled for the May 13, 2025 Regular Town Council Meeting. The successful applicant will be required to disclose certain financial interests within the Fair Political Practices Commission and file a California Form 700, Statement of Economic Interest. 

Measure V Citizen Oversight Committee Members:  

Sharon Simonton  - Chair
Ronald Baker
Chris Buzzard
Linda Dye
Patricia Elkerton
Gail Larsen
George Morris Jr.
Chris Rehmann
Dee Riley