Police Department

Message from the Chief of Police
"Welcome to the Paradise Police Department website. As Chief, I am extremely proud of the men and women who make up the department and serve this community. The employees and volunteers of this department are committed to providing quality public safety services to our community. We continue to do our utmost to maintain our outstanding reputation, high level of personalized service, and progressive technological advances to keep Paradise citizens informed.
The Paradise Police Department is thankful to the community for its support of the department and its mission. Most importantly, we understand it is only with the cooperation, involvement and partnerships of the citizens of Paradise that we can make our town a better and safer place to live.
We are striving to create a website that is not only a source of information, but a learning tool that will provide our community and their children with the tools to keep them safe. Please feel free to browse our pages using the links and let us know what you think."
--Eric Reinbold, Chief of Police
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Paradise Police Department is to serve the members of the community; to protect their lives, liberties, and property. With well-trained and professional personnel we will strive to provide our Town with a sense of safety, security, and trust. We will prepare for this responsibility by our commitment to training and community awareness.
We will serve our community with integrity, honesty, dedication, loyalty, and professionalism, while striving for excellence in all we do. We value our responsive relationship with our community.
By using our available resources, we vow to vigorously and professionally pursue those who commit crimes, and be sensitive and empathetic to those who have been victimized. We will endeavor to improve the quality-of-life in our Town.
Our people are the Department’s most valuable assets. We will promote pride and maintain an atmosphere of mutual cooperation, understanding, and teamwork. We recognize each member as an individual and treat each member with respect, dignity, and fairness.
We will prepare for the future to meet the changing needs of our Town. In all things, we will never compromise our core principles and values.