Find My Evacuation Zone
Find My Evacuation Zone
The Town of Paradise and Butte County have established individual evacuation zones throughout the County and Town. These zones will be used during fires or other emergencies requiring evacuations. Each zone has a different number. It's a good idea to memorize other important zones, such as the zones that family members live in, or the zone your children's school is in. Use the Find Your Zone interactive map through the Butte County website to see what zone you live in.
What is a Zone?
A zone is a portion of the county designated as one in which the layout and population make for an ideal and orderly evacuation scenario. The Town of Paradise is split into 14 different zones for evacuation. For example, if you live off South Libby, you live in Zone 13. See all the Zones for Paradise here. Link to full-sized map.
Evacuation Zone Signs have been placed in town limits throughout the town. These signs will function similarly to Tsunami Hazard Area signs along the coast, notifying drivers as they enter and exit hazardous areas. These Signs will inform individuals about the specific zones they are entering or departing from.
If you need assistance finding your Zone please call Jacquelyn at 530-872-6291 ext. 173.