Business FAQ's
The Town of Paradise issues business licenses to regulate businesses within the town limits to protect the public and prevent nuisances and neighborhood disturbances. The license is not a business tax and is not based on business revenue.
The Town’s objective is to assist each business in obtaining the proper license and/or permit to ensure proper compliance of the business license code for all businesses transacting businesses within Town limits. The Town will send renewal notices, however it is your responsibility as a business owner to renew. If you do not receive a renewal notice prior to the expiration date of your license, please contact the Clerk’s Department at (530) 872-6291 ext 101.
Cities and Counties control the way buildings are used in their jurisdictions in order to protect neighborhoods, encourage good development practices, and support property values. The Town of Paradise restricts certain business activities to buildings that have the correct structure for the activity.
Cities and Counties control the way buildings are used in their jurisdictions in order to protect neighborhoods, encourage good development practices, and support property values. The Town of Paradise restricts certain business activities to buildings that have the correct structure for the activity.
You should check with the Town of Paradise Building and Onsite Septic Departments BEFORE:
- Starting a new business
- Remodeling an existing building
- Constructing a new building
- Moving into a new building
The Town of Paradise Building Department also provides information to comply with the California Building Code, as well as the California Disabled Access requirements.
You need a Business License if your business is located within the Paradise Town Limits or if your business provides service to Paradise residents or businesses, unless your business is exempt from licensing requirements discussed below.
A Building Permit is required in most cases when you plan to make physical or cosmetic changes (electrical, mechanical, or plumbing installations or alterations) to the interior or exterior of the building you plan to occupy or if you are constructing a new building. A Building Permit is required when there is a change in the use of an existing space, such as putting a restaurant in what was a retail space.When a permit is required plans should be submitted for Plan Review and a Building Permit issued before starting any construction or remodeling. During the course of construction or remodeling, building inspectors are required to inspect the work performed.
You are required to obtain a business license before conducting any business, trade, profession, enterprise, establishment or occupation.
Before going to any public agency you should have an exact address for the proposed business. Having accurate site location is crucial for receiving the correct zoning and onsite septic information and for filing various documents and permits. Private mailbox addresses are for mailing purposes only and cannot be used as a business address.
Commercial Business License - $44 for the first year, $29 for renewals
General Business Licenses are issued to businesses with a physical location within the Town Limits based on compliance with Zoning Information. All businesses based in the Town of Paradise or providing services to Paradise residents or businesses require a General Business License except for the following, which are exempt:
- Libraries – public and private.
- Agriculture – includes growing of crops or raising livestock, except that a General Business License is required for any enterprise that combines product from multiple farms, wholesale, etc.
- Businesses located outside Paradise that deliver to Paradise addresses but provide no other service.
- Service Clubs
- Nonprofit Organizations with no paid employees or physical place of business.
- Vendors at community events.
- Residential rental properties with no more than one unit
- Persons exempt from business license fees pursuant to federal or state laws
Home Based Business – No Fee
Running a business from home is an attractive idea to many people, but it is important for home business operators to remember that they are conducting a business in a home, which is most likely surrounded by other homes in a residential area. The Town places certain restrictions on the operation of home businesses to protect the residential nature of the neighborhood and prevent nuisance complaints regarding noise, dust, and traffic. These rules protect you and your neighborhood, and ensure that the primary use of the homes is for residential purposes only.
Special Business License - Cost varies
Certain types of businesses are required to have more than one license. Usually the second license is a Special License. Note: you may require additional licensing from other governmental agencies in addition to your Town of Paradise License. The special License is issued based on a review of the application and may require approval by the Police Department, fingerprinting and background checks.
Visit the Special Business License page to download the specific instructions and applications you need.
Available at the Paradise Police Department (5595 Black Olive Drive, Paradise, CA 95969):
- Retail Firearms Sales Establishments
- Junk Dealers, Pawnbrokers, and Secondhand Dealers
- Bingo Games
- Solicitors
- Kennels
- Card rooms
- Tattoo Artists and Tattoo Establishments
- Masseur/Masseuse and Massage Establishments
- Taxicabs and Rent Cars
- Sound Trucks and Sound Amplifying Equipment
Available at Town Hall (5555 Skyway, Paradise, CA 95969):
- Fairs, Carnivals and Circuses
- Theaters, Tent Shows and Playhouses
- Fortunetelling
- Outdoor Festivals
- Vending, Hawking, Peddling Sales
- Onsite Sanitation Systems Operation Evaluators
- Home Based Businesses
- Residential rental properties with two or more units (this is considered a Home Based Business)
- Businesses that are required to obtain a special business license
- Financial Institutions that pay the Bank and Corporation Tax to the State
- Tax-exempt religious organizations
Contact Information
For Building, Permitting and
Septic Questions
Call (530) 872-6291 x 411
For Business and Economic Development Meetings
Call (530) 872-6291 x 112
For Business Licenses
Call (530) 872-6291 x 102