Town of Paradise Emergency Warning System
Change in Emergency Warning Siren Test Schedule
The Town of Paradise is announcing a change to the schedule for the Emergency Warning Siren (EWS) tests. Starting on June 15th, the siren tests will now occur on the 15th of every month at 12:00 PM noon, lasting a few minutes.
This change comes in response to substantial feedback from the community regarding the previous schedule of testing on Saturdays. The Town has taken this feedback into consideration and adjusted the schedule to allow testing to occur on different days of the week, while maintaining the continuity of the same date each month.
Emergency Warning Siren Test Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 12:00pm
Please be aware that during the test certain towers may not be activated.
Residents should expect to hear a voice command stating:
“This is a test of the Paradise Early Warning Sirens.”
Followed by a 45-second AIR RAID SOUND
“This is a test of the Paradise Early Warning Sirens.”
Once the last voice command is played that will conclude that month's test of the EWS system.
EWS Monthly Testing Update February 12, 2024
During the test, the "Can You Hear Me?" Survey will not be in use. As we progress through the final testing phase and complete final electrical connections, not all towers may be activated during each monthly test. Upon the full completion of the EWS System, we will proceed again with the "Can You Hear Me?" Surveys.
Emergency Warning System Overview
As the top priority in the Town's Long-Term Community Recovery Plan, the Emergency Warning Sirens improve the existing voluntary notification system, implement a mass notification system, and create an audible/alarm notification system for residents and visitors in the Town of Paradise.
The Emergency Warning System (EWS) consists of twenty-one siren towers located within the town limits of Paradise, California. The purpose of the EWS is to provide a redundant warning system of potential or emergent hazards that threaten life and property. The EWS is designed to work in coordination with existing emergency notification systems and processes and to alert residents of emergencies.
The EWS test will occur on the 15th of every month at 12:00 PM, noon. Testing the EWS allows our team to ensure that the sirens work as intended and meet the specified requirements. It helps identify any defects or deviations and allows us to also measure and evaluate the performance of the system, software, and product.
List of EWS completed towers for Tuesday, April 15, 2025 Testing-
- Town Hall
- Police Department
- Pentz and Pearson
- Crestmoor and Rose
- Gregory and Waggoner
- Clark and Yellowstone Kelly Memorial Trail
- Maxwell and Fairview
- Pentz and Ely
- Roe and Scottwood
- Neal and Grinding Rock
- American Way
- Pentz and Water Tower
- Bille and W. Wagstaff
- Foster and Apple
- Pearson and Clark
- Sawmill and Nunneley
- Pentz and Peach
- Bennett and S. Libby
- Russell and Skyway
- Clark and Bille
- Rocky Lane
The EWS is part of the overall communication strategy designed to work in coordination with existing emergency notification systems such as social media posts/websites, press releases, AM 1500 radio, and CodeRED/IPAWS/WEA.
Additional Links-
Hi- Lo Siren Tone:
"Air-raid" Siren Sound:
Evacuation Map: