Burning is Permitted within the Town Limits of Paradise - 6:00am - Dusk - With a Valid Burn Permit!

Burn Period Currently:  Burning is Permitted Nov. 1, 2024 with a Valid Burn Permit

For special permits such as fuels reduction, special event/ceremonial, etc. please contact the Fire Department.  

Burn season runs from the fall as approved by the Fire Chief. Beginning July 1st of the current year, a new permit will be required for burning. The permit will remain valid during burn season until June 30th of the following year. Along with a valid permit, citizens must contact Butte County Air Quality Management District to ensure that it is a permissible burn day; if burning is suspended due to fire hazard or air quality reasons it will be reflected in the recording. The Cost of a Residential burn permit is $25.00, and a Fuel Reduction burn permit is $54.91. Burn permits can be purchased online here with a credit card or at Fire Station 81, 767 Birch Street or the Building Resiliency Center, 6295 Skyway, with cash, check or credit card.

Contractors burning on private property must first obtain an additional permit from the Butte County Air Quality Management District. 

Click Here for Additional Burn Regulations

Burning in the Town of Paradise
Permit Type Burn Times Lot Size What Can Be Burned? Town Fee Other
Barbecue Open/Year Round N/A According to Manufacturer instructions N/A Use in a safe manner required.
Outdoor fireplace or warming device Open/Year Round N/A Dry, untreated wood N/A Approved screening (openings no larger than 3/8") and in use in a safe manner required.
Campfire, Bonfire, Recreational Fire, Special Events Fire   N/A Dry, untreated wood $34.39 Inspection required before permit issued.
Residential (aka Dooryard Burning) - for clearing parcel of annual veg waste


6:00 AM - Dusk

Must have safe clearances for burning Leaves, limbs and pine needles in one (1) controlled burn pile $25.00 Pile can be 6' in diameter with a required 10' clearance around.  Site must have an active water source available.
Fuel Reduction - for clearing waste generated in reducing fire hazard fuels

6:00 AM - Dusk

Must have safe clearances for burning Waste from limbs, vines, bushes


Inspection required before permit issued.
Land Clearing - Obtained to clear a parcel for development As specified by permit N/A Wood waste from trees, vines or bushes generated from property being cleared for commercial or residential development $85.96 Inspection required before permit issued.  Permit may also be required from BC Air Quality.
All permits are subject to expiration prior to date(s) indicated if the burn ban is in effect.
The owner shall be responsible for the cost of a Fire Department Response caused by the maintenance person as a result of an escape burn in violation of the rules of the burn permit.  Burn bans shall be strictly adhered to.
Ordinance 508, Paradise Municipal Code 15.09.100
See specific permit(s) for detailed requirements.